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Angioplasty is a procedure to open narrowed or blocked blood vessels that supply blood to the heart. These blood vessels are called the coronary arteries. A coronary artery stent is a small, metal mesh tube that expands inside a coronary artery and placed where it is needed. It can be placed in your heart, legs or neck to prevent serious problems.
People who have been properly diagnosed by a specialist with atherosclerosis are candidates for an angioplasty, as are those who experience severe angina (chest pain) or heart attacks. Almost any condition that can cause a reduced blood flow due to the narrowing of the coronary or peripheral arteries could indicate a need for angioplasty.
After talking with your doctor and scheduling a surgery date, he will most probably give you a list of medications to take before your surgery, please let him know of any other medications you are taking for preexisting conditions as well so he can let you know which ones are safe to continue with or which ones you have to suspend for a period of time before and after your procedure. Pre Operative lab work, chest x-ray and an Internal Medical Evaluation will also be required.
On the day of your surgery you will need to arrive with a 8 hour fast of no food and liquids.
A coronary angioplasty can usually take between 30 min- 2 hrs, although depending on the case it can take longer.
The cardiologist then makes a small incision on the skin of your groin, arm or wrist, over an artery where your pulse can be felt. A small tube called a sheath is inserted into the artery to keep it open during all the procedure.
A catheter is passed through the sheath and is guided along all the artery into the opening of your left or right coronary artery.
A thin and flexible wire is then passed down the inside of the catheter and beyond the narrowed and thin area. A small, sausage-shaped balloon is passed over the wire to the narrowed and thin area and will be inflated for about 20 to 30 seconds. This will press the fatty deposits on the inside walls of the artery to widen the troubled space. This may be done several times.
If you’re having a stent inserted, it will be already fitted onto the balloon and opens up as the balloon is inflated. The stent will be left inside your artery after the balloon is deflated and removed.
When the operation is finished, the cardiologist will check that your artery is wide enough to allow a proper blood flow through more easily. This is done by monitoring a very small amount of contrast dye as it flows through the artery.
A coronary angioplasty involves an overnight stay in hospital.
After the operation, you won’t be able to drive for a week, so you’ll need to arrange for someone to drive you home from hospital.
Following are some common after-care instructions:
• Take the prescribed medications like antibiotics, aspirin and pain medications to alleviate any discomfort. You cant take any medication that is not indicated or discussed with your doctor.
• Daily showers
• 4 weeks after surgery you can start any physical activity gradually.
• Drink plenty of fluids
• Take adequate rest
• Keep checking up with your doctor so he can monitor your progress
1. When you have tried different treatments and medications or a lifestyle change and they haven’t helped improve your heart’s health.
2. When you have progressive chest pains or a heart attack.
This procedure is a quick way to open your blocked arteries to help your heart avoid any further damage.
Yes you can, we have a fully-support team that will assist you during your entire experience.
The procedure lasts for years as long as you have a balanced and healthy diet and have continues check ups with your doctor.
The recommended stay in the city before you decide to go home is of 1 week so the doctor can monitor your progress and make sure everything is healing properly.